Over 150 Inspections in 2 Months by a single drone! πŸ›°πŸŒ¬οΈ

Exciting news in the world of blade inspections! One of our customers recently used Dhalion’s fully autonomous system to complete over 150 wind turbine inspections across the UK in just three months from the day the order was placed. This includes planning for calibration, pilot and data processing training. Not an easy fit in such a small time frame!

Our smart and reliable drones are changing the game using advanced robotics and A, making inspections faster and more accurate than ever before.

What’s even more impressive? Dhalion can handle 11 inspections in a single day on average, depending on the turbine model. The majority of these 150 inspections were large machines of 93m rotor diameter. This means more turbines checked in less time, without sacrificing quality. Our customer is thrilled with the results, seeing huge improvements in their inspection processes. The efficiency of Dhalion helps spot potential issues quickly, allowing for faster fixes and better overall turbine performance.

The customer’s ability to maintain a high volume of inspections consistently over the two-month period emphasises Dhalion’s robust performance and reliability in real-world wind energy applications. This efficiency not only aids in the swift identification of potential issues but also accelerates the implementation of necessary maintenance, thus improving overall turbine efficiency and reducing downtime.

Want to know more about how Dhalion is revolutionising wind turbine inspections? Book a demo with us! 🌐✨ 

This success story is just the beginning of how cutting-edge tech can supercharge the wind energy sector!