🌞 Reflecting on a Successful Summer of Inspections! 🌞

What a summer it has been for Perceptual Robotics! Our teams, along with our partners, have been incredibly busy conducting hundreds of inspections across various locations. We’re proud to report a very successful inspection campaign season, ensuring the efficiency and reliability of wind turbines globally. 

🔍 Highlights from Our Summer: 

  • Hundreds of Inspections: Our teams and clients have worked tirelessly, performing detailed inspections on numerous wind turbines, ensuring optimal performance and preventing potential issues. 
  • Collaborations: We’ve partnered with industry leaders to expand our reach and deliver top-notch inspection services in multiple regions. 
  • Successful Campaigns: This season’s campaigns have been highly successful, thanks to our advanced AI-driven solutions and the hard work of our skilled teams.

 🚀 Looking Ahead: 

As we wrap up this season, we are already looking forward to booking for the next campaign season, continuing our mission to provide high-quality inspection technology for you to carry out your own inspections and stay on top of your assets. 

🛠 New Features and Innovations: 

  • Repair Now Ratio: An advanced tool to prioritise and streamline repairs.
  • Repair Module: A comprehensive system for managing and tracking repairs efficiently. 
  • AI Type and Severity Suggestions: Leveraging AI to provide insightful suggestions for inspection types and severity levels. 
  • Offshore Services: Expanding our capabilities to include offshore inspections and services. 
  • Eve: Introducing Eve, our mini drone designed to enhance inspection accuracy and reach challenging areas. 

Thank you to our incredible teams and partners for a fantastic summer. Here’s to continued success and innovation in the months ahead! 

For more information or to schedule a demo, visit our website or contact us directly.