Giving context to data, aka End of Project Analysis

Wind farms are vital assets in the renewable energy landscape, but they require meticulous maintenance and repair strategies to ensure optimal performance. After completing an inspection project, our Customer Success Team dives deep into the data gathered, extracting valuable insights to assist in planning and budgeting for your repair campaign.

First, we provide insights and trends on the inspection operations such as daily inspection rates, operational suggestions and observations.

Based on the damage assessment, we propose strategic repair alternatives, taking into account costing parameters. To streamline the repair process, we group damages by component, providing a detailed list of repairs that can be done together. This approach optimises resource allocation and reduces downtime giving you projections for costs and timelines that help you prioritise repair work. This process is made incredibly easy using our new RNR (Repair Now Ratio) feature.

To ensure seamless future inspections and maintenance, we recommend operational suggestions that will iron out any future deployments. These steps will not only address current issues but also help in preventing future problems, maintaining the optimal performance of your wind farm.

Finally, our team also collaborates with industry experts to provide comprehensive solutions for more complex issues. We recommend further investigations into the Lightning Protection System (LPS) continuity to protect the wind farm from lightning strikes. Addressing leading edge erosion is vital for maintaining aerodynamic efficiency, and detailed structural analysis can help detect and mitigate potential weaknesses in the tower and nacelle components.

Our goal is to help you maintain your wind farm efficiently and cost-effectively, ensuring its longevity and contribution to the renewable energy landscape. 

For more information on our strategic insights, get in touch here:!