Exciting News 🎉 New Feature: AI- Severity Suggestion

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all agree on categorisation of findings 100% of the time? While we can’t perform miracles just yet, our damage severity suggestion AI-assisted feature helps Blade Experts achieve higher consistency in their assessments across the entire fleet and in historical data. This consistency in damage severity suggestion is crucial for prioritising and budgeting repairs!

Why invest in developing this AI-assisted feature? 

Our years of experience have shown that Human Blade Experts do a great job but often differ in their damage categorisation, even when given the same criteria. Some may prioritise repairs based on their past experience with budget constraints, while others might categorise all damages regardless of budget constraints. These discrepancies affect analysis, forecasting, prioritisation, and ultimately, the performance of the assets. If strict guidelines could be applied, decision and prioritisation would be consistent across the fleet and could be scaled across different regions.

Moreover, the AI suggestion tool helps save Blade Experts’ valuable time resulting in quality reports, even faster.

Consistency is key. Reach out today to learn more about how our cutting-edge development can enhance your blade management.